Publications: Multilateral
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Park, Won Young, Nihan Karali, and Nihar Shah."Driving the Shift to Energy-Efficient and Climate-Responsible Commercial Refrigeration Equipment in Chile."
Coalition, UNEP Cool, and Nihar Shah."Keeping it chill: How to meet cooling demand, while cutting emissions."
(2023). DOI
Park, Won Young, Nihan Karali, Peng Peng, Sunhee Baik, Nihar Shah, Brian Holuj, and Marco Duran."Model Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliances."
Wei, Max, Chao Ding, Nihar Shah, Brian Holuj, and Marco Duran."Model Regulation Guidelines for Energy-Efficient Ceiling Fans."
Khanna, Nina, Chao Ding, Won Young Park, Nihan Karali, and Nihar Shah."International review of market trends, technologies and policies for commercial refrigeration equipment and implications for China."
Shah, Nihar, EE Task Force, and UNEP TEAP."Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer report of the technology and economic assesment panel volume 4: decision XXXI/7 - continued provision of information on energy-efficient and low-global-warming-potential technologies.."
Shah, Nihar, Won Young Park, and Chao Ding."Trends in best-in-class energy-efficient technologies for room air conditioners."Energy Reports
7 (2021) 3162 - 3170. DOI
Dreyfus, G, N Borgford-Parnell, J Christensen, D.W Fahey, B Motherway, T Peters, R Picolotti, Nihar Shah, Y Xu, M Molina, and D Zaelke."Assessment of Climate and Development Benefits of Efficient and Climate-Friendly Cooling."